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Waiting for the Waves

Workshops & Courses

Our workshops and online courses are designed to give you the tools to master your life in a way that makes it feel frictionless, even when circumstances are challenging. The wisdom, tools and structures that are shared will open a whole new mode of awareness for you that will be the springboard from which you can create the life you want and choose. 

People often assume that their life is unchangeable, that who they are, how they are and their situation in life, is fixed. Our workshops and courses have been developed specifically to prove that these assumptions are false and light the path towards a previously unimaginable, purpose and joy filled life.  


I have drawn from my experience in intuitive creative development and transformational coaching and combined them into a holistic approach that works with individuals on all levels from the inside out. This approach is how to create sustainable and lasting transformation.

Current Courses

Harness the Power of your Focus

This course will guide you through how your focus actually works, giving you the tools to be able to harness it back and put it where you want it to be. On your goals, dreams and desires. You will find creating outcomes that you want much more easily and effortlessly.

Limitless: Uncover and Overcome your Limiting Beliefs 

If you are curious about uncovering and overcoming any limiting beliefs you have then this is the course for you. I guide you through a transformational process that will leave you feeling more your true self than you ever have before, with a deep understanding of your beliefs and how they have impacted your life so far, as well as a new set of positive and reinforcing beliefs to take forward with you.

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