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My journey from being stuck in life, lacking clarity and true purpose to leading a fulfilling, purpose filled and self directed life that I love. 

About 10 years ago I found myself at a crossroads, in a place where I felt stuck, directionless and no real idea of what to do about it. I didn't feel like I had a real passion or purpose, I was in a career that didn't fulfil me and it left me feeling empty and worried about what I was going to do with my future.


I found myself in what felt like groundhog day, taking the same packed train everyday to the same office, sitting at the same desk analysing the same numbers, not making any real impact, lacking the inspiration and joy that I should have been feeling at that stage in my life.


It like I was a cog in a wheel, with no real purpose and no real opportunity to truly express myself in an impactful way, I was just stuck a rut that I couldn't get out of and I didn't even know what it was that I really wanted on the other side of it. I felt that it was too late in the game to change my life completely, even if I did know what it was that I wanted to do instead. I had been working as a retail planner for 15 years, I had responsibilities and relationships that I just didn't feel like I could get out of.


I looked at other people and thought they were living life more, they were enjoying more, they were more successful, more driven, more loved. I thought that I also would have been further in life than I was, more successful than I was and would have made more of an impact on the world than I had. 


At that point, I found myself at the most incredible festival in the Nevada desert, and what I saw and experienced there blew my mind - things would never be the same. The levels of creativity, joy, love and connection I experienced there, ignited something in me, I saw how life could be and that I could be a part of it, if I so chose.


I came back from the US, newly inspired and more in touch with myself than I ever had been before. I went back into a manic and stressful work environment the following week, and immediately knew that it wasn't the place or the job for me and that I had to start taking action. However scary it felt. I listened to my newly activated intuition and resigned from my job and my career, without knowing what was next. It was the scariest but most liberating action I have ever taken.


This led me on a 3 year quest to find my passion and purpose in the world - it wasn't always easy, but I persevered. I completed a series of Creative Development and coaching courses, I got myself a coach and completed an internationally accredited course in transformative coaching. And by going through my own internal journey I found out who I really was, I gained the clarity I desperately wanted and finally knew the direction I wanted my life to go in.


Once I was aligned with my soul purpose it became very clear that I wanted to serve others to do the same - just in a much shorter time span. I wanted to support people in getting unstuck, empowering them to step into the highest version of themselves, creating exactly what they wanted in their lives despite any circumstances or responsibilities that had previously held them back.


Today, I wake up excited for the day, I have clients and students I love serving. I love seeing how their lives are transforming and how much higher their levels of happiness and satisfaction are. I live and work on my terms, I have a thriving career, I am doing a Coaching Mastery degree, am a dedicated parent to my toddler, a wife and homemaker and still have time to myself, which to me, is the definition of leading an abundant life.

Education and training

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