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Harness the Power of Your Focus

  • 10Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


In this day and age of ‘always on, always connected’ it's very difficult to feel like we actually have control of our own minds. There are constant distractions from the outside world and even more distracting is what goes on internally, unconsciously, that steals away our focus. This course will help you overcome these challenges and take back control of your mind and your focus so that you can get on with creating the outcomes you want in your life. What you'll learn * How your Focus creates your reality * What the external and internal challenges are to focus * Key premises that will super charge how you focus * Have a physical experience of Focus * How to deconstruct your Focus * How to harness the power of your focus to create the outcomes you want * How to create the outcomes you would love despite any circumstances * What your Egoic and Creative Orientations are and how they affect your focus * The key role that awareness plays in Focus * Understand how the messages you give your subconscious affects the success of your outcomes This course contains ten 12-15 minute videos. It is designed for anyone who wants to truly understand Focus and use its power to create incredible outcomes despite any circumstances.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.





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