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Many of us are not clear on what it is we want, or what our true purpose is, and this requires its own focus and dedication to discover. I am here to guide and support you in getting clear on your vision, remove any blocks that might be holding you back and taking aligned action towards that vision from an empowered and confidence place.

“Coaching isn’t therapy, its product development, with you as the product.”


I draw on many different tools, techniques and processes from a variety of modalities to ensure powerful and lasting results for my clients.

There is absolutely no reason why you should not have everything you want in your life. There are no circumstances or situations that preclude you from creating your own dream life.
And thats the truth.


By exploring your inner world and releasing old blocks, limiting beliefs, and fears that have held you back and kept you playing small, a whole new path will open up for you, free from any limitations, giving you the power to consciously choose the direction you want to go in with ease and confidence.

My mission at The House of Light, is to help you to find clarity in the noise of every day life and focus on achieving the goals, dreams and aspirations you have. My methodology incorporates working on both your inner world as well as taking the strategic external actions towards your goals. This approach brings all parts of you into alignment with your vision, making it that much easier and quicker to achieve.


Month 1:

  • Foundation: levels of consciousness, get to know your unconscious self, your belief structures and more


Month 2:

  • Relationships


Month 3:

  • Manifestation and applied awareness: harness the power to manifest


Creative Development Approach


Creating Alchemy

Being able to truly start creating from a place of awareness requires one first to do some active self exploration and unlearning.  Unlearning conventional, societal or cultural  led ways of thinking as these are reactive ways of thinking as opposed to a creative and unencumbered way of thinking.

Intuitive Creative Sessions

While each session will have a structure, the theme or process will depends on the clients wants and needs at that point in time. The first few sessions will cover some ‘theory’ - the principles, premises and techniques used in intuitive creative development - as well as a process or exercise that will depend on what’s obvious to do in the session. Once the foundations are laid, we will then move onto the creating - firstly bringing clarity and focus on what the clients true dreams/ goals/ aspirations are. We call these ‘choices’, what the client chooses to manifest in their lives, from here the sessions will move to bringing these choices into reality in a structured, action orientated and creative way, all guided by our innate knowing. Our intuition.

  • Foundation: levels of consciousness, get to know your unconscious self, your belief structures and more

  • Vision and choice creation: visualise your perfect life & create structured choices around that

  • Manifestation and applied awareness: harness the power to manifest

  • Refocusing: realign with your vision

  • Momentum: how to maintain momentum in your creativity

Transformative Approach


The Transformative Journey

This style of coaching is focused on solutions over problems, drawing from the work of  Carl Rogers and Eric Berne (and many others) we assume that each individual is an autonomous, unbroken organism capable of self actualisation. It is used to unlock the clients potential and support them to take the actions needed to make change happen. This is about self initiated transformation. Clarity, purpose, self awareness can all be achieved through these sessions, clients are able to set meaningful and challenging goals, set and take specific targeted action, challenge limiting beliefs and thought patterns as well as understand their own behaviours and change behaviour form habitual patterns.  Using cognitive behavioural, NLP, transactional analysis and many other tools and models - huge transformation can take place in a relatively short amount of time.

Transformative Sessions

This style of coaching is client led, the coach is there to listen, ask powerful questions  and reflect back - using relevant tools and models to help the client understand and unblock any limiting thoughts, behaviors and beliefs. Helping them to set, work towards and achieve whatever goals the client wants to achieve. Each session is entirely based on what the client would like talk about or address in the session, there is no set structure to the sessions apart from defining a clear outcome at the beginning of the session and ensuring by the end that all or some of those outcomes have been achieved.

Image by Bogomil Mihaylov
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