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The Power of Choice

We are constantly making choices, in every moment of every day.

The definition of making a choice is that you can decide what you want in life, what you would love to create and who you would love to be. By consciously making these choices you can bring your incredible and creative human potential into the light.

“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” – Albus Dumbledore

The key to making choices is being aware that you are making them and then understanding what driving forces are behind them. Do they come from unconscious belief systems, societal conditioning, assumptions and perceptions, or do they come from a place of truth and clarity?

Until we can truly understand that we are either making choices blindly from our unconscious mind; or we are consciously and actively making choices from our hearts, life will seem (and be) more challenging than it needs be. Our House is here to bring light to the shadows, bringing awareness of how, when unconscious, our minds can sabotage what we are trying to create in our lives, and we then illuminate the path forward to a healthier, happier, more successful and fulfilling life of choice.

Your power of choice can upgrade or destroy you depending on your mindset.Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, PhD, MBA

What life will you choose?

The House of Light We empower people who feel stuck, uninspired or lost to reconnect with their innate creativity and lead a self directed life, consciously creating what they would love in any aspect of their lives with clarity and purpose.
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