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The Creative Orientation

Everything has a structure. Whether its a tangible visible structure; or an ‘unseen’, unconscious structure that directs your life, there is a structure.

The amount of focus we give to living from a creative orientation (despite the urge to return to the well worn path of the old unconscious structure) will have a direct and exponential effect on how fulfilled and happy we are in our lives.

You are either living from an unconscious predetermined structure and orientation to the world, or you are living from a hyper conscious and creative structure.

Living a live of choice means that you are the narrator of your story, the architect of your life - you are not a victim to your circumstances but a creator of the life you want despite of them. You walk to the beat of your own drum, with absolutely clarity of purpose and making choices in line with that purpose, whatever it may be.

It's about living a creative life and acting in line with what is true for you.

When you live in this creative way, the world opens up for you and you attract more of what you need to keep creating more of what you want, just by being in true alignment with who you are. The changes in you will ripple out into the world into your family and friends, your communities, societies and son and son - raising the vibration of everything and everyone around you, attracting more of the same vibration to you. This is Abundance.

When we operate from a creative orientation, the decisions we make, the way we look after ourselves, our loved ones and the earth itself, all shifts from a place of ’not enoughness' and lack ta place of abundance. There is space and resources enough for us all to be living our most powerful and purposeful lives. That is our vision and purpose and through The House of Light we hope to bring this awareness to you.


The House of Light We empower people who feel stuck, uninspired or lost to reconnect with their innate creativity and lead a self directed life, consciously creating what they would love in any aspect of their lives with clarity and purpose.

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