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Revealing the Unconscious

We are living in unprecedented times. From a global pandemic, to a climate crisis, protests, riots, war and so much more. There is much anxiety, confusion, pain and suffering all over the world, let alone what is going on in our own worlds.

It is so easy to get sucked into and lost in the drama and 'hopelessness' of it all when so much is going on, when there is so much to distract you at every turn. Without a solid structure in place to keep you focused and in the present moment, creating and living the life you would love, it is impossible to keep from slipping into the drama, yours or the worlds. It is crucial to keep refocusing your attention on what matters and not to get distracted by the negative voices in your own head or those outside of you, in the news, social media, or even those of loved ones.

The House of Light has been created to provide that structure, both on an individual level with personal coaching or on a corporate level. Like in our personal lives, there are distractions and drama within the places we work - these things are not separate. We bring whatever is going on in our personal lives into our work place (consciously or unconsciously) and create repetitive cycles of dysfunction. How we worked, studied and lived BC (Before Covid) has changed dramatically in a very short space of time, and will continue to evolve as we all get used to the ’new normal'. By recognising our own unconscious ways of being we can begin to see and have compassion for those unconscious patterns and behaviours of others and be less reactive to them.

Now more than ever we need to become more aware of how we are unconsciously functioning in the world and how that might be affecting us, our loved ones and colleagues. Until we can truly understand that we are either acting blindly from our unconscious mind or consciously and actively acting from our hearts, life will seem and be more difficult than it needs to be. Whether it be working on challenges, or setting and realising goals and aspirations, our House is here to bring light to the shadows and guide our clients to healthier, happier and and more fulfilling lives.
The House of Light We empower people who feel stuck, uninspired or lost to reconnect with their innate creativity and lead a self directed life, consciously creating what they would love in any aspect of their lives with clarity and purpose.

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